Latest posts on category "Wellness"

If you've ever tried to do things, chances are you've wanted to do them. I'm going to talk a bit about habits, mindsets, and tips & tricks that have helped me stay motivated in moving towards large & difficult goals over time.


Like many of us, I work at a desk staring at a computer. Also like many of us, I spend a bunch of my free time staring at a screen I hold in my hand. If you're anything like me & the aforementioned "many of us", years of these habits have not been great for your posture.


As someone for whom both a screen-centric career and physicall wellness are very important, I decided to finally take this seriously and do something about it this year. In doing this, I learned a couple things which I've put into this short post for anyone who might also benefit.


This post contains some tips & thoughts on the exercise portion of fitness that I've picked up in my own life. These points focus on our nature as human beings with bodies and minds, and what I've found to be helpful notes on working on fitness as humans, with all the limitations and benefits that entails. This is geared towards newcomers and those that don't already have effective workout programs they have yielded gains from.


Disclaimer - I have no official fitness qualifications or training. I only have my own experience, and my own track record of being a fit person who loves fitness and has set out & achieved many of their own fitness goals. In the twelve odd years of my fitness journey, from cross country to calisthenics & yoga, I've run a marathon, held a hand stand for 60 seconds, & held a full planche for 15 seconds - I'm working on flexibility with the goal of being able to do the front splits next. With that out of the way, here are a few tips & observations that have helped me in the formative stage of my own fitness journey.


Mental well-being and analytics aren't talked about together very often, unless we're talking about data on mental health from some population. That's not what we'll be talking about here. Instead I'm going to describe how a couple of data visualization techniques can help frame challenges in mental wellness, from anxiety to satisfaction with life, and give us helpful tools for tackling them.
